Berry fuzzy

It’s kiwi season again, and the markets are full of these funny, fuzzy fruits. We grow 98 percent of the kiwi in the United States in California. In fact, the California Kiwifruit Commission is based here in Sacramento.

The variety you’ll find most often in the markets is the Hayward, which is a larger fruit with plenty of sweetness. Originally from China, it was once known as the Chinese Gooseberry, but was adopted by New Zealanders and eventually renamed for the fuzzy brown kiwi bird.

Exceptionally high in vitamin C, potassium and folic acid, kiwis are also a good plant-based source of omega-3 fatty acids. Get extra fiber from them by eating the skin as well—pureed in sauces or smoothies or just sliced for color contrast with the bright green flesh.

I’ve found that a grapefruit spoon is surprisingly helpful for scooping out the flesh from halved kiwis, although they’re beautiful sliced and overlapped on tarts and salads. Finely dice ripe kiwi to make a winter salsa for grilled or roasted meat.