Issue: July 14, 2016

Morning, readers!

Anyone else like wine as much as we do? If so, you're in luck. This

week, we bring you our annual Farm to Table Issue dedicated to the

winemakers among us. We chose five locals who turn grapes into delicious

beverages. (Actually, one of them doesn't even use grapes!) And we also

put together a list of Butte County wineries so you can embark on your

own agri-tour this summer.

In other news: A local group of activists comes together to protest the

transportation by rail--through Butte County--of crude oil; sweeping

changes are afoot at Chico State; we aim to back to the root of Black

Lives Matter; and Arts Devo is unleashed on Austin, Texas.

There's more. There's always more.

Be careful while seeking those Pokemon out there!

Meredith J. Cooper, managing editor