Sacto’s sweetest couple
Coffee Day at Ginger Elizabeth Chocolates

Outdoorsier Sacramentans than myself will tell you that city's best feature is its landscape—the river, the trees, hiking and bike trails, etc. But for those of us that aren't big on swimming with river monsters and who resent the lie that once you learn to ride a bike, you never forget, higher on the list of the city's best assets are its numerous craft coffee shops and a world-class chocolatier, Ginger Elizabeth Chocolates.
Which is why Saturday, April 27, is bound to be a good day for all of us, regardless of where you weigh in on the matter: It's Coffee Day at Ginger Elizabeth, wherein these sweet geniuses are joining forces with Sacramento and San Francisco coffee roasters (Old Soul Co., Chocolate Fish Coffee Roasters, Temple Coffee and others) to create eight specialty desserts. Offerings range from simple coffee-inspired chocolates to swoon-inducing delicacies like the Dessert Macaron: lemon-ricotta cheesecake mousse, Temple Coffee curd and Temple espresso gelée sandwiched by two lemon macaron halves.
I'm not saying I'm right about this being the ultimate union of the city's best offerings, but go grab a pint of Chocolate Fish coffee-infused ice cream with toffee sauce and Ginger Elizabeth cookie-dough pieces, and tell me it isn't more exciting than going for a bike ride. Saturday, April 27; 10 a.m. to 10 p.m.; 1801 L Street, Suite 60; (916) 706-1738;