Letters for September 7, 2017

Quid pro know

Re “Why save the Delta?” by Scott Thomas Anderson (Feature, August 31):

Great article—better late than never, I guess. I would like to see a part-two going into more detail about who will benefit from the twin tunnels (Westlands Water District, the Resnicks, et al). Everyone demonizes the L.A. residents for taking our water, but they have actually been great at conservation. Follow the money! But please write and publish it quick! It also amazes me how few people in Sacramento have even been to the Delta.

Dan henas


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Fooled by farmers?

Re “Why save the Delta?” by Scott Thomas Anderson (Feature, August 31):

Ugh, might as well be titled, “Why save the environment?” The level of ignorance regarding this public works project is astounding. Farmers are paying big money to make sure this project never happens as it would result in the delta returning to the natural salinity levels it should be at. This kills the greedy farmer whose sat on precious water rights for 50 to 100-plus years, relying on fresh water from the delta to grow crops (their land value would tank). So far they’ve successfully prevented plans to fix the delta since the mid ’60s. Don’t let them fool you into thinking they’re the victim here when really it’s the whole state slowly losing one of its most precious natural resources.

Dustin Natov


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Don’t arrest the victims

Re “Dear johns,” by Raheem F. Hosseini (News, August 31):

Typical. Go after the woman and not the perverted men who are running the sex trafficking, or the men buying sex in exchange for money. WTG Sacramento!

Sunshine Jenkins

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A bigger problem

Re “Renters’ disability tax” by Amy Yanello (Essay, August 31):

This happens everywhere. I’m trying to get a place in Montana and the same 3x requirement is hounding me.

juli oates

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Kids deserve a safe park

Re “Poor people crackdown” by Raheem F. Hosseini (News, August 31):

I can walk to the American River from my house, so I’m there a lot and I can’t even tell you how many times I’ve seen mounds of garbage and used needles thrown on the banks literally feet away from an empty garbage can. I may be heartless, but my kids being able to play at the river is significantly more important to me than these people having a place to leave trash and biohazards.

Heather Rodriguez

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Cyclists deserve a safe trail

Re “Poor people crackdown” by Raheem F. Hosseini (News, August 31):

I’m a fan of SN&R. However, I am a cyclist and would like to have a safe place to ride.

David Herman

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A second opinion

Re “Poor people crackdown” by Raheem F. Hosseini (News, August 31):

I’m also a long time cyclist on the ARBT, since the ‘70s, and I can honestly say I never felt threatened by a homeless person.

Dave Herson

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