Letters for August 10, 2017

We are not commies

Re “Off the hook and the cuff” by Michael Mott (Arts & Culture,Aug. 3):

Hello, Los Bottom Feeders here. Please remove the caption about us playing “commie” music. The owners of the venue had that flag over a window to block light, and in no way is it connected to Los Bottom Feeders. No one in our group advocates or even considers communism as a valid form of government. Please remove the caption and any remarks aimed at the band supporting or promoting communism in any way.

Reece Espinosa


via newsreview.com

Scrap Prop. 13

Re “Unfair tax system fuels housing crisis” by Jeff vonKaenel (Greenlight, July 27):

The inequities within Proposition 13 and some of the responses of local governments to the resulting lower property tax revenues are part of the problem. Some local governments have mandated that new developments include a number of “affordable” units. This makes such developments even more expensive for those paying market rates and makes them even less likely to be built.

Many progressives, like Muriel Strand (“Tax commercial property now!” Letters, Aug 3), have proposed assessing commercial properties at current market value but continuing the Proposition 13 rules for residential property. The problem is that local governments will continue to have an incentive to favor commercial development over residences as moderately priced homes will still not pay their own way for the services they receive.

Wayne Luney


via letters@newsreview.com

Stop killing my brothers

Re: “A chief’s challenge” by Eric Johnson (Editor’s note, Aug. 3):

So long as the police stop killing my black brothers and sisters and assisting fascists at newly rebranded white supremacist “alt-right” gatherings in public spaces, I am open to working with [Chief Daniel Hahn]. Only time will tell.

Amz Van Zandhu

via Facebook

Can’t brainwash me

Re “Misplaced virtue” by Joey Garcia (Ask Joey, Aug 3):

Once again, your advice is full of wisdom and crucial insight. I can attest, I was that boy. They tried three times sending me to my dad’s SDA schools. And I became one of the school’s most notorious students. Pure train wreck. It took way more than complicated religion and legalism to reach my battered, wounded, hateful heart.

Brett Christman

via Facebook

Let’s hear both sides

Re “New Sushi” by John Flynn (Off Menu, Aug 3):

In the current SN&R piece, you narrate in a fashion clearly intended to elicit sympathy for Lou Valente’s circumstances and portray him in a favorable light, as if we should all rally around the local hero and support his plight as he scrapes his way back; yet your piece only mentions in passing the “pending legal dispute.” That’s seems biased, doesn’t it? This piece provides no context about the dispute, or the very serious allegations made against Valente.

Valente faces four separate causes of action, including Breach of Fiduciary Duty and Fraud, Concealment, and Intentional Deceipt, and he may face a jury trial. Without discussing the merits of the claims, isn’t it a little more honest to at least reference the context of the legal dispute generally, rather than simply gaslighting everyone about the situation?

Adrienne Brungess


via newsreview.com

Let’s see some compassion

Re “Die of omission” by Raheem Hosseini (News, Aug. 3):

Why doesn’t the state government keep those drugs in stock, and give them to all who ask for them? Why all of this buck-passing?

Hugh Montgomery

via newsreview.com