Letters for December 31, 2015

Define ‘ridiculously abused’

Re “Grinches of the year!” by SN&R staff (SN&R Feature Story, December 24):

First of all, I didn’t vote for Ami Bera to replace Dan Lungren. I was afraid this Democrat son of Indian immigrants might not approve of screenings and background checks of immigrants, including those claiming to be “refugees” even when their lives are not at stake such as were Jews were under the Third Reich. In the current wave of immigration, “refugee” status is probably being ridiculously abused just so immigrants can get into the U.S., including those who are criminals in their home country.

Personally, when it comes to immigration issues, I will respect those today who have the bravery to stay in their home countries through difficult or desperate political and economic times instead of those who decide to illegally immigrate or those who go whining that they are “refugees” just for not being satisfied with current situations in their country. Many of those whom even claim to be “refugees” in America are found traveling back to their home countries because, of course, political situations change all the time.

Michelle Kunert

via email

Repurpose for a purpose

Re “Holiday campout” by Nick Miller (SN&R News, December 17):

Today, as I walked through Cesar Chavez Park and saw people and sleeping bags along the wall of the former Cafe Soleil building, I thought, “Why not open its kitchen to community service organizations as a food-preparation and serving facility for the homeless?” People could line up for their meals and then eat at the tables and benches in the park. Plus, the building has a covered patio/storage area that could be opened to provide a sheltered sleeping area for a limited number of people. Meals are already being served on the Ninth Street side of City Hall, and the homeless are already in—and will continue to remain in—the areas around the park, City Hall and the public library. Cafe Soleil was a popular breakfast and lunch spot for many people working nearby, but it has remained closed for over a year, and no interested prospective tenants have been approved by the City of Sacramento. In addition, with the proliferation of food trucks and vendors that locate in and around the park on farmers market days and during other events, it may not be profitable for a small-business person to invest in opening and running a new cafe in the building. In the meantime, the building can be put to use to help the less fortunate.

Fred Bundock
