Happy pork

After a summer of gorging on fresh vegetables, the farmers’ market might start to thin out a little bit in fall—and I, for one, start to crave heartier, meatier dishes. I asked local pork purveyor John Bledsoe about his favorite ways to prepare his product:

1. “Cooking pork shoulder roast for eight hours in the oven at 250 degrees. Salt, pepper and your favorite spices.”

2. “It’s not an unusual way, but my favorite way to cook pork chops is to dip them in milk and seasoned flour, brown them in a hot skillet for five minutes on each side, and put them in the oven at 300 degrees for half an hour. A lot of people don’t know how to do it.”

3. “Take tenderloin, barbecue it on both sides, bring it up to medium rare, and then pour beer over it and let it cook the rest of the way.”