Free the hemp

We know, we know: Industrial hemp is not pot. But it can’t be denied that there’s a certain whiff of illicitness surrounding it—probably because the federal government still bans growing hemp. Yet, as Kyle Pulliam, owner of Hemp in the Heartland, notes, “just about every other industrialized country” allows it. I asked Pulliam what hemp food products he’d recommend:“There are some great protein powders you can add to smoothies that are high in omega-3, omega-6 and omega-9 essential fatty acids and proteins—those have become really popular.

“There are also snack bars, almost like granola bars, but they add hemp seeds to them, again really high in essential fatty acids and protein. And cereals that have the same things included.

Canada is where we’re seeing a lot of the food products come from, Romania and then of course China. Five states have legalized industrial hemp, but because it’s still federally illegal they can’t grow it. You can find out more about hemp and [pending California] legislation at”