

Engrish.com defines “Engrish” as “the humorous English mistakes that appear in Japanese advertising and product design.” This site showcases the precious English translations (primarily from Japanese, but from other languages as well) of brand names, T-shirt slogans, signs and menus. Some are cute, such as this description on a menu of a juice called Healthy Pleasure: “Orange, Apple, Pear, Honey. This juice is full of vitality—promoting nutrients and will help you feel full of beans.” Some are close-but-no-cigar, as in this sign on a wooden crate: “Use no hooks. Handle with cake. Keep fire away.” Others are more difficult to decipher: “Heart cerebral disease sufferer, ascend the Great Wall to please watch for.” Some are just funny and utterly confusing, such as these words on a sign at a Japanese shop: “Entering by the fuddle is refused,” accompanied by a drawing of two men in suits holding beers who seem to be dancing. It continues: “Entering of the person whom the nasty smell does is refused.” Tons more—check it out.