Walking after midnight

Eleni Mandell: the best singer you’ve never heard?
I am in love with Eleni Mandell. There, I’ve said it. And it isn’t because she looks kinda like Rachel Griffiths of HBO’s Six Feet Under. It’s because Mandell sings like a goddess, and in an age when actresses and dancers can be passed off as “singers” because studio trickery can hide their incompetence, it’s always great to hear someone who really can work a tune. Los Angeles-based singer-songwriter Mandell, whose recent, mostly original disc Country for True Lovers is a swell reinvention of Patsy Cline cool, will appear at two shows on Sunday, April 6. They’re at 8:30 p.m. and 10:30 p.m., at the True Love Coffeehouse, 2406 J Street. Tickets are $10. Opening will be 2 Pc. Release, featuring Erik Kleven. Get there early because it’s sure to sell out.