The yin, the yang and ‘Take Five’

Noe Venable, looking singer-songwriterly.
Balance is important. Therefore, here are two shows. One of them, next Wednesday, April 16, at The Space, features the sublime and intelligent Bay Area singer-songwriter Noe Venable and her trio along with Laura Veirs and the Tortured Souls. It starts at 8 p.m., cover is $8-$10, and the address is 2509 R Street. If Venable exemplifies the yin experience, then her yang counterpart very well may be Pigface at the Roadhouse on Thursday, April 10. Pigface is a combination of Jim Rose Circus and loosely defined supergroup drawn from the skankier, harder edge of alt-rock. Also on the bill is My Life With the Thrill Kill Kult, Zaromancer and Bile. The show starts at 8 p.m., the cover is $15, and the venue is located at 1336 Bell Avenue in Robla. Oh, and if neither of those raises your tao average, there’s Brubeck Festival 2003 this week in Stockton. For info, log onto