Take local action

Eat vegan food and cycle, too, because the event benefits the Save the American River Association.

Eat vegan food and cycle, too, because the event benefits the Save the American River Association.

Sacramento Natural Foods Co-op Community Learning Center & Cooking School

1914 Alhambra Blvd.
Sacramento, CA 95816

(916) 455-2667


It’s time to start taking action to preserve the environment. Good thing taking action can begin with eating. Think Globally, Act Locally will be an evening for people to mingle with fellow community members and eat a vegan organic supper. The event will be Friday, July 30, from 6 to 8:30 p.m. at the Sacramento Natural Foods Co-op Community Learning Center (1914 Alhambra Boulevard) and includes lectures from Brock Dolman, director of the WATER Institute, and Warren Truitt, from Save the American River Association. The cost is $15, and there also will be wine for sale by the glass. Pre-registration is encouraged at the co-op customer-service desk or at www.sacfoodcoop.com.