Men Who Look Like Kenny Rogers

In the “you’ve got to be bloody kidding” department is this rather marvelous Web site, which serves as a graybeard analogue to Imagine not one but 22 pages of photos of aging pink guys with white hair and neatly trimmed beards, most of the photos surreptitiously snapped at the kinds of places where Kenny look-alikes hang out (American Indian bingo casinos, custom car shows, Denny’s coffee shops, waffle houses and anywhere in Reno) and captioned with snarky comments. There’s also a page of tips on how to look just like the 1970s country star, a list of places where his clones can be spotted, and (inexplicably) a corn-muffin recipe. A bio on the site states that it was begun as an “art project,” an installation involving photos of, well, guys who look like Kenny Rogers, which was easily adapted for the dark dungeons of the Internet. You got to know when to hold ’em and know when to fold ’em, indeed.