Letters for February 2, 2017

Exploiting the kids

Re “‘The judge took my son away’” by Alastair Bland (SN&R News, January 26):

The fact is, all parents of minor children are treated like second-class citizens in juvenile court because they are denied their right to a trial by jury. In the juvenile court, children are commodities to be exploited for their value in perpetuating a foster “care” gulag and child-protection industry. Without ever being charged with a crime, parents are forever losing their children to this predatory, bureaucratic child-trafficking industry. Is it any wonder why this corrupt industry is the most hated government apparatus in America?

Stephen Konnoff


Beyond he said, she said

Re “’The judge took my son away’” by Alastair Bland (SN&R News, January 26):

The issues and events described in this story are, incredibly, happening throughout the state. The judicial branch only corrects these kinds of problems in response to media attention, which never comes because family court issues are written off by most reporters as hopeless to untangle he said, she said disputes. In both family court and traffic court, the indigent and financially disadvantaged are treated as second-class citizens. Sacramento Family Court runs a two-track system: one for those who can afford attorneys and one for everyone else. Special thanks to reporter Alastair Bland for wading into this swamp.

Cathy Cohen


More transparency needed

Re “’The judge took my son away’” by Alastair Bland (SN&R News, January 26):

Hopefully, the upcoming audit of the Commission on Judicial Performance coupled with changes in the methods and people they use to review complaints of judicial misconduct will bring greater transparency and justice for the people of California.

Sharon Kramer

Escondido, CA

Share the love

Re “Create action” by Amanda Branham (SN&R Feature Story, January 19):

Thanks for last week’s piece on resistance. I was happy to read that you’d included the Celebration of Choice event! Celebrating our rights is not only fun, but supports an independent, local, reproductive health clinic, Women’s Health Specialists. There are dozens of independent, nonprofit reproductive health clinics that are just as affected by national policies but don’t have the name brand to garner the financial support. I hope people will share the love when it comes to supporting reproductive and sexual health rights.

Emily Loen
