Jason Desautels

During his stint as an infantry team leader in Iraq, Jason Desautels of Sacramento spent a lot of time listening to music. “When I wasn’t outside the wire (i.e. on mission) I was listening to my headphones, and when I was listening to my headphones I was day dreaming,” explained Desautels in a recent e-mail. So, what did he play on his yearlong tour of Iraq? Here is Desautels’ Playlist:

1. “Looking for Glory”
by Reducers SF (from Backing the Longshot)

2. “Come Back to Camden”
by Morrissey (from You are the Quarry)

3. “Street Trooper”
by the Bodies (from Firepower is our Business)

4. “No Heroes in Hell”
by Whiskey Rebels (from Create or Die)

5. “Oil Change”
by Dan Potthast (from Eyeballs)