Hit the road with SeniorLink
Sacramento County program for seniors underenrolled

Call SeniorLink.
There are only so many Golden Girls reruns a golden girl (or guy) can watch.
SeniorLink knows that. The early intervention program run by El Hogar Community Services Inc., a local mental-wellness provider, was designed to get older adults out of their homes. A lack of transportation can be one of the biggest drivers of isolation for older adults, leading to depression or anxiety, said program supervisor Ameshia Arthur.
The free, voluntary SeniorLink welcomes referrals from all sources—family members; neighbors; community workers with access to the elderly, like Meals on Wheels; or by the interested parties themselves. “We try to make it really accessible,” Arthur said.
The program is funded to serve 300; currently there isn’t a waiting list. Arthur hopes more Sacramento County seniors will sign up. She stresses SeniorLink's interest in helping participants achieve their own goals, whether it's joining a card group or doing more traveling. Staffers meet participants where they live, which isn't always alone. Many are married or live with their adult children.
“Even when you live with family, you can still feel shut in,” Arthur noted. Interested parties should call (916) 369-7872 or email SLreferral@elhogarinc.org.