Food Stuff

Illustration By Marianne Mancina

Classical French sauces are the foundation of fine cuisine. However, with doctors wagging a finger at butter, eggs and cream, one occasionally must seek healthier ways to put a flourish on the dinner plate. Luckily, the universe also includes “good fat” sauces, such as the olive oil-based mojo verde. Originating in Spain’s Canary Islands, mojo verde goes well with a variety of meats, fish and vegetables. Here is a recipe to get you started, although there are tons of variations: Take two bunches of cilantro leaves, a roughly chopped green bell pepper, a clove of chopped garlic, two tablespoons of ground cumin, the juice of one lime, two tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil and a pinch of salt. Puree in a food processor or pound to a paste in a mortar. While mixing, drizzle in more olive oil until the sauce comes together. Adjust the seasonings to taste and (with apologies to Muddy Waters) you got your mojo working.