Edible flower crown

Going to the farmers market to get produce is great, but going to the farm itself is better. And it's a beautiful farm, at that. Kingbird Farms in Galt is run by former Sierra Club and Nature Conservancy worker Mike Eaton and his wife, retired lawyer Charity Kenyon. They have cultivated gorgeous non-monoculture fruits and vegetables that can be ordered online year-round at www.kingbirdfarms.com. It's the farmers market of the future past, because while customers can buy it via technology, they've got to go the farm to pick it up. I can't wait to order the heirloom melons—like the Collective Farm Woman and crane—purslane (succulent leaves high in calcium and omega-3 fatty acids!), and a bunch of edible flowers to make into an annoyingly trendy flower crown and let my goat friends eat it off my head.