Dirty rotten scandals

Since 2010, SN&R’s annual Grinches issue has been a tradition in the making.

This year, however, I initially hesitated to revisit the concept. On the surface, the idea of doling out awards to Sacramento’s small-hearted elite seemed, well, a little tired, petty and, even, pointless.

Seriously, how many times can we poke fun at smug hipsters, criticize slimy developers and slippery politicians, or point out former Mayor Kevin Johnson’s myriad Grinchy ways?

Apparently, many times and then some.

Once our editorial staff started kicking around the idea of keeping the Grinches tradition alive, in fact, we realized that this year had given us plenty about which to be annoyed, aggravated and angry.

It’s probably stating the obvious here, but 2016 was an epically disastrous year—one rich in dirty, rotten and scandalous material.

And, although I wasn’t sure how much I wanted to revisit any of the year’s low points, as it turns out, it actually felt good talking Grinches. (If by “good” you mean “what doesn’t kill only makes you stronger.”

This year’s Grinches feature (See “The Grinch who stole 2016, page 12) covers many awful, forehead-slapping, cringe-worthy, tear-inducing moments of the last 12 months.

In addition to our cover “star,” the crying baby-esque president-elect, there are smug hipsters, slimy developers and slippery politicians.

And, of course, K.J.

But there are some surprising choices, too, including, perhaps, our pick for Grinch of the Year.

Grinch on.