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Joel Reber, “Blue Light One Man Martini Table,” mixed media, 2002.

Joel Reber, “Blue Light One Man Martini Table,” mixed media, 2002.

“Now they specialize in moving fine furniture, your furniture, which is fine furniture,” said Prophet Omega of the Shipp Moving Company, located on Old Ashland City Highway in Nashville, Tennessee. Now, if folks from Shipp showed up to move fine furniture like the fine furniture Joel Reber creates, currently on display at Solomon Dubnick Gallery’s show Discarded/Found Again, they might think someone slipped them something jinky to cross up their condition. Reber’s whimsical creations look like something Yves Tanguy might dream up for an amanita muscaria-bemused alien’s living room on Lost in Space. This is about as groovy as groovy can get, if you get my drift. Also on display at Solomon Dubnick: Sheldon Greenberg and John Stuart Berger. This is the address: 2131 Northrop Ave., just west of Howe. The gallery is open from 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. Tuesday through Saturday. The show ends September 28.