Days of Lore

What’s cuter, the Pipettes or the record player?
“WIND OF CHANGE” Can you hear that? Shhh … wait for it … ’tis the sound of many a flip-flopped college student getting ready to ship out of Chico in their cherry-red Jettas. And of parents lending a hand—Dad showing junior how to tie the perfect Trucker’s Hitch to keep that desk from rocking in the back of the U-Haul; Mom packing boxes with precision and just the right amount of newspaper for those fragile little knick-knacks.
Some will be leaving for good, trading noon classes for 9-to-5 jobs, and UGGs and pajama bottoms in sterile classrooms for high-heels and pant-suits in sterile offices. Others will head off to internships and return next semester.
Needless to say, Chico will be a different place over the next three months. I like the energy students brings to Chico, but at least now I can order a beer without getting stuck behind homeboy with the backwards cap ordering 52 Kamikaze shots. (Painting the student population in broad strokes is such fun!)
Congrats and good luck to all of the graduates, and especially to my friends (Deo, Scotty “M. F.” J, Paggi, Ashley, Barbara, Jake … ) who have earned that 18-by-24-inch framed piece of paper that says you’re desirable to potential employers.
R.I.P., B.O.F. There’s someone else leaving town who is putting the degree to good use. Matt Daugherty, guitarist for instrumental four-piece Birds Of Fire and all-around nice guy, is leaving Chico for a job as studio manager at the Prairie Sun Recording Studio in Cotati, Calif. He’ll be in charge of booking the studio, collecting payments, supervising the interns and making sure all the equipment is functioning.
While it does mean Birds Of Fire is calling it quits after two years of being one of the main draws in the local music scene, it’s definitely a great opportunity for Daugherty to do what he enjoys.
“I don’t want to say I’m sad, I’m just leaving a lot of memories behind,” he told me this week.
Daugherty, who’s leaving town on May 22, said he hopes the band will continue to do some recording in the future but that the live version of B.O.F. is officially over. He also said he has some new music written and that he has plans to continue writing. The remaining Birds—bassist Zach Ahern, keyboardist Teddy Omlor and drum-chart analyst Aaron Markus—will continue making music together under a new name.
STICKY SWEET Continuing CN&R Calendar Editor Jason Cassidy’s ritual of throwing sugary sweet pop songs my way, I have recently discovered The Pipettes (pictured) and their ridiculously catchy single, “Your Kisses are Waisted on Me.” Combining kitsch with catchiness, the UK’s latest export featuring three Brit hotties and a backing band is a cross between (dare I say) The Spice Girls and the Bay City Rollers. While that may sound nauseating, don’t knock it till you try it.
Check out the single and the video to “Your Kisses … ” at: If the song doesn’t melt you, the video will. The debut full-length, We Are The Pipettes, hits stores July 17. Buy it. Just be sure to keep it well-hidden from your friends.
LOTS TO SEE OK, so this weekend will be riddled with ceremonies and parties for those glad grads, but there are also some shows worth peeping. Friday, May 19, at 8 p.m., The Americas and Cair Paravel play a homecoming show at the Coco Caffe. And if you miss that one, you can catch The Americas and John Wesley of Cair Paravel at the 1078 Gallery Saturday, May 20, at 8 p.m., with Drew Danburry and Aubrey Debauchery.
LOOKING AHEAD Next week there are also some fine shows that, if you miss, them, you’ll actually lose IQ points. The Dead Romantics (the new rock project from Valentine singer Elvis) plays Tuesday, May 23, at Off Limits. And Scotland’s The Country Teasers (a kickass country-punk rock band that might just start a fight with you) will also hit Off Limits Thursday, May 25, at 9 p.m. with Barbara Manning, The Shankers and some crappy local rock band that can’t spell so good.
P.S. I’m taking a vacation next week: the city, baseball games, concerts, relaxation. The lovely Jason Cassidy will be filling in. I miss you already.
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