When’s the sun coming out? Oh yeah, tomorrow!

Little girl, huge voice. Quick, get her out of Oscar’s trash can and get her adopted!
Veterans Memorial Amphitheatre
7991 California Ave.Fair Oaks, CA 95628

Everyone’s favorite Pollyanna-ish orphan Annie always looks on the bright side of life. Parents gone, orphanage a hellhole, Depression-era New York—none of it brings her down. The Fair Oaks Theatre Festival presents Annie, directed by Bob Irvin, and when all is said and done the audience is left with a fun-filled night of musical theater for the whole family. Thandie Van Wesenbeeck (Annie) showers the stage with her charisma in every number (and hits all the notes to boot). Corey D. Winfield (Oliver “Daddy” Warbucks) and Brianne Hidden (Grace Farrell, the secretary with a heart of gold) have such chemistry with Annie that the play’s resolution feels even sweeter. Add a gifted, cohesive chorus of both adults and talented little girls in fantastic costumes (a group effort of nine designers), and the audience is left with musical magic under the stars.
Annie, 8:30 p.m. Friday, Saturday and Sunday. $15. Fair Oaks Theatre Festival at Veterans Memorial Amphitheatre, 7991 California Avenue in Fair Oaks; (916) 966-3683; www.fairoakstheatrefestival.com. Through July 24.