Vegan with a Vengeance: Over 150 Delicious, Cheap, Animal-Free Recipes That Rock
Isa Chandra Moskowitz

Hungry punks everywhere, take heart. Vegan “vengeance” is at hand. For Isa Chandra Moskowitz, it’s in the ethos she brings to the kitchen, drawn from her youth in the New York punk movement of the ’80s, when it was all about rebelling against corporate oppression and fighting for community empowerment. Moskowitz remains true to these roots, and her vegan recipes are cheap, easy and fun. A sample “Punk Point”: If a food processor is not available, you can pulverize nuts with a baggie, some newspaper and a hammer (possibly to the annoyance of your downstairs neighbors). Whether you want to avoid animal products because of ethics, health or rebelliousness, this book’s recipes are accessible, delicious and satisfying—to the palate and to punk sensibilities.