The mac(aroon) daddy

When a treat's package highlights a list of things that it doesn't have—gluten, nonkosher ingredients, animal products—some sweet-toothed grown-ups may make the “ewface of a 4-year-old. That's wiggida wiggida wiggida wack. Because Laughing Giraffe Organics Snakaroons has such a list, and these macaroons are kicking the flavor that makes you wanna jump in the bag for another one. Start with the “safety” of the chocolate-flavored one, and be impressed by the real fly shreds of coconut gathered into a cocoa ball that's still light enough to make ya bump, hump, wiggle and shake your rump. Work through all six flavors and graduate with the goji maca. And when your friends ask, “Do they rock?” Say, “Believe that.” Get these miggida miggida miggida mac(aroon) daddies in the raw-food aisle at the store or online at—and sincerest apologies to Kris Kross. Uh-huh, uh-huh.