Something’s happening

Amazingly, the 99 percent movement continues to build. Who would have guessed, just a few months ago, that we’d be heading into 2012 in the company of an authentic, grassroots movement protesting social and economic inequality, corporate greed, environmental injury and corruption in government, especially as related to financial services?

SN&R stands in full support of this movement (though not the minute faction of it that seeks violent confrontation). Like many other alternative weeklies across the state, we’ve been inspired and energized by the 2,000 Occupy encampments that have emerged across the globe and are proud of the Sacramento citizens who have taken to the streets as part of this call for change.

In the spirit of the collaborative nature of the 99 percent movement, we borrow the words of gratitude below (with permission) from the East Bay Express, our sister alternative weekly to the west.

“To those of you showing up to Occupy with peaceful hearts and passionate determination, thank you!

To those of you supporting local, independently owned businesses and artists instead of the big box chains, thank you!

To those of you supporting local farmers, organic foods, and water conservation, thank you!

To those of you moving your money from big corporate banks to local community banks and credit unions, thank you!

To those of you conserving energy, recycling … and protecting our environment, thank you!

To those of you volunteering your time or money to help others in need in our community, thank you!”