Rad radish kimchi

Illustration by Jonathan Buck
Nine out of 10 dentists advise people not to give up on the kimchi craze until they have tried radish kimchi. OK, that bit about the dentists is fabricated, but radish kimchi is truthfully a spicy, crunchy, delicious change of pace from the traditional fermented cabbage version. Sinto Gourmet, a San Francisco kimchi company, makes vegan kimchis, including a superb one with white, slightly sweet and tangy cubes of radish in fiery-sunset-hued fermented juice. Don’t be deterred if a sulfuric, pull-my-finger odoremanates after opening the package—the taste is snappily pleasant. Sinto’s founder, HyunJoo Albrecht, also has a root vegetable kimchi with California-grown organic beets, daikon, rutabaga, turnips, ginger and orange peel for adventurous but heat-averse palates who would hate to disappoint imaginary dentists. Find it locally at Whole Foods Market and the Sacramento Natural Foods Co-op. Kimchi is so three years ago. Yeah, right, kimchi is forever. Don’t give up on kimchi yet.