Oh my Goddess

Illustration by SERNE LUSANO

It’s the tryptophan. That’s the amino acid in sesame seeds that makes people want to pour Annie’s Goddess Dressing onto everything, not just salads. Tryptophan releases serotonin, a neurotransmitter, so, yes, Goddess is playing with our brains, and that’s why it tastes addictive. For a change of junkie pace, Bon Apétit has a recipe for a tumeric-tahini dressing. For a less sour yet punchier, spicy vinaigrette that’s equally as welcome on a salad or rice bowl, try it with these alterations: a quarter-cup of tahini, one-third cup of rice or apple cider vinegar, 1 tablespoon of fresh lemon juice, 1 tablespoon of olive oil, half a teaspoon of ground turmeric, one-eighth teaspoon of cayenne, 1 teaspoon of ginger juice, and three freshly crushed cloves of garlic—or just one if you have a date. Mix it all with a bit of salt and pepper and release the goddess—and the serotonin. But not the addiction.