Pay the rent for Rent

A mix of local community and professional musical theater folks are getting together to fight cancer, and they need help to pay the rent for their benefit staging of Rent. What else to do? Turn to Kickstarter, of course. Hey, they’ve already cast some amazing players: Roger (Ian Cullity), Mark (Tristan Rumery), Maureen (Nanci Zoppi—and you know we’d pay to see that!)—with music by Graham Sobelman and Erik Daniells, and Connor Mickiewicz directing. Oh, and they’ve got Kelly Daniells, a cancer survivor herself, providing a lot of production energy, which means all they really need is the money to get started. Anything earned from the show goes to the American Cancer Society, so what are you waiting for? Go to their Kickstarter page and kick in a few bucks: Help ’em make the rent for Rent.