One year left on Earth?

“Green Bass” by Carlos Loarca, acrylic on canvas.

“Green Bass” by Carlos Loarca, acrylic on canvas.

Where: Integrate Sacramento, 1529 28th Street; (916) 594-9579;
Second Saturday reception: December 10, 6-9 p.m. Through January 7, 2012.
Hours: Monday through Saturday, 10 a.m.-7 p.m.

The Mayans were pretty busy erecting pyramids and pioneering agricultural techniques, so let’s not hold a grudge against them if their calendar—which they also created, of course—ends in December 2012. Carlos Loarca, originally from Guatemala, which is part of the former Maya Empire, has been painting intensely saturated works that are influenced by the ancient civilization’s ingenuity and culture. His pieces have the ability to be bold, yet not overbearing. Check out his work before 2012, the last year the Mayans recorded on their calendar, but not necessarily the last year humankind will be on Earth.