Odin must be pleased

Yngwie Malmsteen, obviously unleashing the f*#@ing fury.
One of the funnier sound clips that made the rounds on the Internet a while back featured Swedish lightning-speed metal guitarist Yngwie Malmsteen threatening a seatmate on an intercontinental flight. “You’ve unleashed the f*#@ing fury,” Malmsteen snarled in heavily accented English. The guitarist brings his f*#@ing fury to the Roadhouse (1556 Bell Avenue in Robla), on Saturday, March 20, at 8 p.m., with Black Sun; admission is $25. If hyper-speed guitar runs aren’t your cuppa, and you don’t mind driving to Winters, the following night (Sunday, March 21, at 7:30 p.m.), blues-rock guitarist extraordinaire Chris Whitley plays the Palms (13 Main Street); tickets are $15. Opening the show is Anne McCue.