Me, Myself and Irene

Rated 3.0 A super-nice Rhode Island State Trooper (Jim Carrey) cracks after a lifetime of turning the other cheek, developing a second, sadistic personality—just in time to escort a woman (Renee Zellweger) through a gauntlet of crooked cops who want her dead. This Nutty Professor knock-off is directed by Bobby and Peter Farrelly—and have there ever been two more slovenly filmmakers? It’s not just the sophomoric humor—a matter of taste, anyway—but the sloppy direction, the clumsy continuity, the ugly look, the clunky staging. On the other hand, they’ll do anything for a laugh, and the truth is they get quite a few of them. Of course, it helps to have a comic genius like Carrey front and center. The film would be nothing without him, but the Farrellys have enough sense to give him a free hand.