Letters for November 24, 2016

Political system, gamed

Re “Not their president” by Raheem F. Hosseini (SN&R News, November 17):

This the first time in eight years I’ve disagreed with President Barack Obama [on his urging to accept the fact that Donald Trump will be the next president]. I accept that we just had a presidential election and that Hillary Clinton won the majority vote count and that Donald Trump lost the election. Yet there he is in all his smugness as president-elect.

I will never accept the lying, cheating and dishonesty that has become a way of life for the Republican Party nor should any other American. By accepting that the Republicans gamed and stole the 2000 presidential election, we gave the GOP an open door to continue their deceiving ways. Republican’s gerrymandered voting districts around the country to favor their candidates in the 2014 election and the GOP gained control of Congress. Trump Republicans gamed the archaic and flawed Electoral College again this year; they lost the presidential election, lost the popular vote by 1.5 million votes, and yet Republican Donald Trump is president to be. Do you think Republicans have any incentive to stop stealing elections if nothing is done to them?

Ron Lowe

Nevada City

Fear the people

Re “Not their president” by Raheem F. Hosseini (SN&R News, November 17):

That woman in picture six [holding a sign that reads “People shouldn’t fear their governments. Governments should fear their people.”] can rest assured that many in our government have new found reasons to fear the people.

Jose Gonzalez


Culture vs. geography

Re “Sticking by Ajay” by Matt Kramer (SN&R News, November 10):

Nida Valmores comment regarding Asian and Pacific Islanders and their patriarchal societies doesn’t really apply to this case. Yes, Ajay and the victim are both from Nepal, however, Peggy and all their friends who were supposedly in the same room (and on one occasion the same bed) during some of the rapes but saw nothing are not Nepali. None of them were raised in that type of environment and all of them would have aided the victim and reported.

Becky Cox

Yachats, Oregon

Finding hope

Re “Meet Joey Garcia” by Joey Garcia (SN&R Feature Story, October 20):

I listened intently to your interview with Scott Syphax on PBS. Your Belizean roots and your teen Girls Leadership program caught my attention. Your story and life journey is sad but hopeful. Your determination to live life on your own terms, fully aware of your unique gift to heal others is admirable.

Hilliealfreda Castillo
