Letters for May 4, 2017

The ’hood isn’t destiny

Re: “A gangster’s life,” by Raheem Hosseini (News, April 20)

As a mother who frequented the Oak Park area as a youngster, due to going to school in the area and having friends in the area, I wouldn’t want to be classified as a gang member just for frequenting the area! My children and I lived in Oak Park for several years, and a lot of their friends also frequented the area and still do! However, that does not mean that they are gang members even if their friends are!

I’ve also lived in the south area, Glen Elders, the east area and the north, and again that doesn’t mean that my children belonged to any of their gangs!

Lisa Hodges


Yep, we’re self-righteous

Re: “Righteous veganism,” by Tom Stephens (Letters, April 13)

Vegans/vegetarians do not have “religious” beliefs. Self-righteousness is appropriate because we have something called “morals” and something called “compassion” for living beings, who have as much right to good lives (if not more, because they are innocent victims) as selfish, disgusting humans. Tom Stephens should be forced to spend a day in a slaughterhouse.

Amy Jackson


A landlord’s lament

Re: “The push for rent control: Why now?” by Nick Miller (Feature sidebar, April 13)

I have been a landlord since 1975 managing my own smaller investment properties. I take care of my properties, and if there is a complaint about anything, I respond immediately. I have never raised rents in my over 40 years of management except a small raise when people moved out.

One thing is very clear: Renters of today (1) do not know how to clean; and (2) have no idea about basic issues like plumbing. etc. I have to give most tenants a course on how to take care of things. It is rather exhausting.

Rent control will not work, and it will make landlords like me quit. It is hard enough the way it is.

Nancy Cornelius


‘An impeachable offense’

Consider the most explosive news to come along in recent history—that the FBI has commenced an investigation of Trump aides to find out whether they colluded with Russian agents to throw the 2016 presidential election to Donald Trump.

Russia’s interference is a direct attack on American democracy. If Trump’s aides were involved, that’s treason. If Trump knew about it and did nothing, that’s an impeachable offense.

Rob Lowe

Nevada City