Get out of Grinch mode

We get it. You’re feeling a little Grinchy this year, what with the fact that 2016 has kinda been the worst. Bowie. Prince. Leonard Cohen. The election of Voldemort’s dumb, orange cousin. And Christmas Eve and Christmas are on Saturday and Sunday, so we don’t even get extra days off. I could go on. But instead, let’s direct our attention to an event you might casually dismiss as too touristy, too chamber of commerce-y, to be cool: 12 Days of Midtown, which kicks off on Thursday, December 1, and ends 12 days later. Hey, guess what—there are some cool events mixed in there. Seriously. Check it out:
Any excuse is a good excuse to pop into Ginger Elizabeth Chocolates (1801 L Street, Suite 60), and the chocolate specialist kicks off the first day on Thursday, December 1, with a selection of special treats. On the third day, Saturday, December 3, pick up one-of-a-kind and locally made gifts at the Midtown Makers Mart: Holiday Edition from noon to 6 p.m. at 1831 J Street.
On the fourth day, cut loose with at Team Trivia Night at Kupro’s Craft House (1217 21st Street) at 7:30 p.m. Cut loose again on the fifth day with half off all volcano bowls at The Jungle Bird (2516 J Street) from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. On the sixth day, Tuesday, December 6, Golden Bear (2326 K Street) is hosting its sixth annual hot toddy competition starting at 6 p.m. The seventh day brings with it an ugly sweater contest for dogs at Der Biergarten (2332 K Street) from 4 p.m. to 7 p.m.
Catch some theater on the ninth day with the Capital Stage (2215 J Street) production of David Sedaris’ Santaland Diaries at 8 p.m. or the Sacramento Ballet’s Nutty Nutcracker (1301 L Street) at 7 p.m. And, on the 10th day, catch the Luminaria Lighting in the Handle District (L Street between 18th and 19th streets) at dusk.