Indulge that feeling of WTF

Illustration by Margaret Larkin
So you survived Thanksgiving and successfully suppressed all urges to put Visine in batty Uncle Steve’s drinking glass. (Right?) Good for you. The verdict is still out on whether President-elect Baby Fists is going to burn this whole thing to the ground, so we won’t congratulate everyone on surviving the election just yet. But in the meantime, I’m going to go ahead and assume that everyone really needs to take a minute to mothereffing cut LOOSE before holiday shopping and/or transitioning into a doomsday prepper. Without further ado, a few options for those looking for a temporary escape:
Widely acclaimed San Francisco-based author and activist Michelle Tea is rolling through town on Saturday, November 26, at the Sacramento Public Library Central Branch (828 I Street) to discuss her latest book, Black Wave, about a troubled narrator who has come face to face with the literal apocalypse. (Apropos, no?) The reading and Q&A will run from 2 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. and attendance is free. Visit for more info.
On Thursday, December 1, channel your inner and outer Burt Reynolds and Tom Selleck for Sleazy Seventies Movember Mustache Bash at Bottle & Barlow (1120 R Street) starting at 6 p.m. It’s a benefit to raise awareness for men’s health issues and therefore a great excuse to get as debauched as possible. There will be a photo booth, specialty cocktails, a mustache competition and more. Check out
bar/events to find out more.
Also on Thursday and pertaining to mustaches: John Waters, the legendarily weird and witty filmmaker, will be performing his one-man show A John Waters Christmas at the Crest Theatre (1013 K Street). Expect raunch and much laughter from the Pope of Trash. Tickets range from $36-$115 and can be purchased at www.crest
Finally: On Friday, December 2, go blow a bunch of money on art at the December Opening Art Reception at WAL Public Market. One hundred pieces will be available for $100 or less, and they’ll look pretty cool hanging on your wall if we all make it through this. Visit
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