California color

Pat Mahony, “Flowering Magnolia,” oil on canvas, 2001.

Pat Mahony, “Flowering Magnolia,” oil on canvas, 2001.

Plenty of artists in California integrate a lot of color into their work. Even landscapes of the Sacramento area that lack color seem to be brought to life by painters who use bright pigment to interpret how light reflects in nature. The landscape paintings of Pat Mahony, currently on display at the John Natsoulas Gallery in Davis, are no different. What does separate Mahony from the others is how well she can fabricate compositions that seem basic upon initial inspection, but closer examination reveals carefully orchestrated color relationships that dazzle—a surprise, due to her loose, seemingly whimsical brushstrokes. All the while, these paintings read as true illusion, complete with depth and light, and not merely as flat, colorful surfaces. The exhibit continues through July 29 at the gallery, 521 First Street, Davis. For more information, phone (530) 756-3938.