Category: Best of Sacramento
Writers’ picks: Sports & Recreation
SN&R’s writers share their favorite places to get fit, get entertained and get lost.
This article was published on 09.21.17
Best new gift shop to be yourself in—without judgment
Strapping Fit’s clever trinkets and gender-neutral clothing are no joke.
This article was published on 09.21.17
Readers’ picks: Arts & Entertainment
SN&R readers go wild for their favorite entertainment venues.
This article was published on 09.21.17
Best place for VHS nerds
Visit Sacramento’s last videotape heaven.
This article was published on 09.21.17
Readers’ picks: Sports & Recreation
SN&R readers vote for the best places to get pumped and see some nature.
This article was published on 09.21.17
Writers’ picks: Shopping & Services
SN&R writers reveal their places to browse, shop and learn.
This article was published on 09.21.17
Readers’ picks: Shopping & Services
SN&R readers pick the best places to decorate their homes and selves.
This article was published on 09.21.17
Best coffee shop that doesn’t (quite) exist yet
Camellia Coffee Roasters hasn’t opened yet, but its new cafe promises excellence.
This article was published on 09.21.17
Best meat and gravy heaven
Bud’s Buffett has limited hours but lots and lots of meat.
This article was published on 09.21.17

September 21, 2017
SN&R Vol 29 Issue 24

September 22, 2016
SN&R Vol 28 Issue 24