Wrap wisely

Keep your holiday flair eco-friendly

Keep your environmental footprint to a minimum during the gift-giving season by wrapping your presents in eco-friendly ways. Using ordinary paper grocery bags is a great—and attractive—way to go. But you probably already know about that one. Here are some other tips:

• Give two gifts at once by wrapping a gift with something wearable like a nice warm scarf or new linens (who doesn’t like new sheets and towels?). Top your gifts with other usable items—cookie cutters, or sweet-smelling herbs like lavender or rosemary.

• Make your own gift tags and cards by recycling old posters and other paper waste.

• If you don’t have time to go DIY, then make sure what you buy is made from 100 percent post-consumer paper or natural products, such as hemp, cotton fiber of recycled cotton. When it comes to decorative paper, look for varieties that use soy-based inks. Happy wrapping!