The Arts Diva

OH, THE HUMANITY Eileen Macdonald and Lynette Krehe have taken over the Humanities Center Gallery with two incredible exhibits. Macdonald is in the Trinity hallway with her Works on Paper, and Krehe is showing Solana in Trinity Hall.
Both exhibits feature sensuous works of art. Macdonald’s pieces are made entirely of paper that has been altered with needle punctures, creating textures, patterns and supple curves. Krehe’s works feature delightful hares whirring up with propeller heads while wild horses run by, kicking up dust. Krehe’s sense of humor and mastery of materials create a fun and enchanting experience. Both shows run through June 22 in Trinity on the Chico State campus.
GETTING TECHNICAL The Blue Room Theatre has a new technical director. Multi-talented actor/ director Rob Wilson took the helm of all those lights and other technical entities at the theater last month. Congrats to the Blue Room and Wilson.
DROOLING IN PUBLIC Ted Davis’ photography show Subway Sleepers offers a glimpse at random sleeping people in various positions on the New York subway. In his statement, Davis confesses a voyeuristic fetish that is satisfied with being able to stare at the images, without the time constraints of a subway ride. The show’s reception is Wed., May 17, from 5-7 p.m. at the BMU 3rd floor Art Gallery. The show runs through Sept. 1.
FEELING REJECTED Many artists and writers I know have a stack of rejection letters stuffed into a box or crammed into a file. “Thank you for your submission … ,” the letters begin. Translation: “Thanks, but no thanks.” These are the letters that keep us humble, insecure and constantly working.
“I’ll show them,” we think, and then mail another set of slides to yet another gallery or manuscript to another publisher. I have the distinct pleasure of having my visual and literary work rejected by numerous art galleries and magazines, including (my favorite rejection) The New Yorker. So much rejection gives the ego quite a wallop, but eventually the wallop wanes to mere mild irritation.
Every so often, though, the clouds part and we are accepted. A story or poem, or a few pieces for a group show, and we are at once vindicated. Until the next rejection letter comes in the mail.
Carla Resnick is a self-proclaimed art diva, writer and musician whose day job is gallery director at 1078 Gallery. Send juicy fine-arts tidbits or questions to <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> </script>.