Fine Arts

JUDGMENT DAY There’s nothing like a good power trip. Judging artwork for exhibition is especially gratifying. I love looking at packets artists submit for consideration and then making rash judgments based on little thought. Such fun. My power-drunkenness really picked up a swagger when Alan Carrier, gallery production and sculpture instructor at Butte College, asked me to jury the student art show. The reception, at the Coyote Gallery’s new home in Swing Space SS-F (between Parking Lot 3 and the business education building), is tonight, April 20, 5-7:30 p.m. Local punk band Dirty Sister will perform at 6:30 p.m., and the show runs through May 18.
TINY BUBBLES I’ll be bursting bubbles on my tongue at the California Arts Council’s Floral Gala on Friday, April 21 (from 7-9 p.m.) at the Chico Art Center. The gala is a big deal in these parts, and the CAC goes all out with champagne and hors d’oeuvres. Artists and floral designers have been selected to create art and floral arrangements for the event. Patrons pay $15 for tickets to the reception. This isn’t going to be just any old art reception for me: I have a painting in the show (along with some other esteemed artists), so I’ll get to shake hands and smile prettily while slurping champagne out of Cinderella’s glass slipper. I won’t be wearing my bubble-wrap dress, though—that look is sooo last month. Someone make sure I’m home before midnight?
HAPPY BIRTHDAY Big-time milestones for two local nonprofit arts organizations: 1078 Gallery turns 20—party time is April 30 at the gallery (738 W. 5th St.). And the Chico Art Center turns 50—celebrate June 24 at Johnson’s Country Inn (3935 Morehead Road). I’m told a dunk tank will be stocked with local artists including Dave Lawton, prez of the CAC. I’m pretty sure he’ll get repeatedly soaked. He’ll have plenty of time to dry out, though, as Lawton announced he’s retiring from the board at the CAC at the end of the year. He apparently wants to get back to his studio after being on the board for 14 years. Whatever, Dave.
PAYOLA Those two arts organizations, along with a slew of other arts-related people and nonprofits, duked it out for money at the city Arts Commission meeting on April 5. Three artists—Chris Jennings, DNA and Mabrie Ormes—were awarded individual artist grants. Congrats! The Crux, Chico Community Ballet, the Blue Room Theatre and the rest found out the recommendations last night, April 19 (after press time). What does it all mean? Some of these organizations would wither away and die without this money, which comes from hotel/motel room taxes.
SOUNDS LIKE NEW YORK Worth seeing (as is anything at the Blue Room) is Bright Ideas, a dark comedy about taking murderous measures in order to get your kid into the very best schools. Described by the Blue Room as “Macbeth meets Macparenting,” the production runs May 4-21.
Carla Resnick is a local artist, writer and musician whose day job is gallery director at 1078 Gallery. Send juicy art tidbits or questions to <script type="text/javascript" language="javascript"> </script>.