Survey weighs Chico safety

Results show residents feel mostly safe, at least during the day

A recent survey of Chico residents reveals just how they feel about public safety. The survey was conducted as a joint effort of the Chico Police Department and Chico State criminal-justice students between October 2011 and January 2012. In total, 566 people responded and overall those who had had contact with the police department recently reported positive experiences. Below are the breakdowns of some of the survey results. For more, log onto

How safe is … Chico during day? at night? Downtown during day? at night?
Very safe 18% 2% 26% 2%
Safe 74% 42% 60% 31%
Unsafe 6% 39% 10% 38%
Very unsafe 1% 12% 1% 24%
Don’t know 2% 6% 2% 6%