
Don’t get that one for a pet

Lions, tigers and bears leave you quaking in your boots? What about frogs, buffalo and mosquitoes? They’re just as likely—maybe more—to kill ya. recently released its list of the world’s deadliest animals. Check ’em out. And then stay away. Far, far away.

10. Poison Dart Frog: Their backs ooze a neurotoxin—each one has enough to kill 10 humans—to ward off predators. Found in Central and South America.

9. Cape Buffalo: One weighs 1,500 pounds, and when it gets mad, it charges head on. These African beasts have few known predators.

8. Polar Bear: Sure, they’re cute, but these Arctic dwellers are the most carnivorous of all bears and the most likely to prey on humans.

7. Elephant: Found in many different habitats, elephants are huge and can be ferocious—they kill more than 500 people each year.

6. Australian Saltwater Crocodile: Stand back, Steve Irwin, these aren’t friendly guys. They’re actually the largest living reptiles and the most dangerous to humans.

5. African Lion: An average male African lion weighs about 420 pounds. Yikes.

4. Great White Shark: The world’s largest predatory fish—found in all major oceans—can reach lengths of 20 feet. Oh, and they have 3,000 teeth.

3. Australian Box Jellyfish: Their venom is among the most poisonous of all animals—they use it to stun or kill prey or as a defense mechanism. Each of their 15 tentacles has 5,000 stinging cells.

2. Asian Cobra: Maybe we should stop trying to make these snakes dance. Their toxic venom can cause paralysis and death in humans.

1. Mosquito: Huh? Yeah, we know they’re annoying, but really … they carry all sorts of diseases, including malaria, which kills more than 2 million people each year. Now that’s scary.