
Dishing diversity info

The American Society of Newspaper Editors believes that newspapers should reflect the community they are representing. To do this, the news staff should portray the diversity of that community. A May 2004 report by the Knight Foundation compares racial diversity in the news staff of daily newspapers in the United States and the communities they serve. Only 13 percent of the 1,413 newspapers that participated reached the goal of parity between newsroom and community non-white percentages, a slight improvement from last year. But many newspapers are still below their peak. California displays a broad range of parity.

paper % non-white newsroom staff % non-white in community % parity

Eureka Times-Standard 0 18.7 0

Chico E-R 3.4 22.5 15

Davis Enterprise 7.7 35.0 22

L.A. Times 19.6 60.0 33

Marysville A-D 38.1 39.7 96

Red Bluff Daily News 0 22.5 0

Redding Record Searchlight 4.8 14.0 34

Sacramento Bee 30.4 35.0 87

San Diego U-T 16.9 45.5 37

S.F. Chronicle 14.5 46.8 31