You will pay

The Downtown Chico Business Association wants to create a Property and Business Improvement District that will levy new fees on downtown businesses, a move that would more than double the DCBA’s current annual budget of about $300,000. The new money would supposedly go to paying uniformed “guides” who would be the “eyes and ears” of Chico police, as well as for cleanup and downtown-promotion programs. The city, which owns much of downtown, would be on the hook for an estimated $78,000. We asked the DCBA for a list of what other property owners would pay, but they wouldn’t give us names or addresses, only parcel numbers. Luckily, that information is available from the Assessor’s Office.
Address Owner Tenant PBID fee
400 Broadway Bank of America (same) $5,319.23
715 Main St. L. Carrington Thunderbird Motel $5,062.16
501 Main St. E&A Hart Senator Theater $4,819.52
201 Broadway Socks LLC formerly Chevy’s $4,305.02
300 Main St. Sainte Partners KCVU $3,612.30
194 E. 2nd St. P&D Moretti parking lot $3,594.84
127 W. 1st St. Lucena Partners Collier, et al. $3,525.12
221 Normal St. C.L. Woodstock Normal St. Bar $2,775.85
352 E. 1st St. Sierra Central Credit Union (same) $2,489.09
353 E. 2nd St. CC Publishing CN&R $1,899.31