Mariah Smith

Cancer through the eyes of a child

Photo By Andrew Boost

Fourth-grader Mariah Smith copes with her mother’s fight against breast cancer through poetry. She says she feels more at ease in writing her thoughts down than discussing them aloud. Her goal is to help people get through tough times and feelings like cancer-related sorrow.

Gloria Morgan, her teacher at Sierra View Elementary, encourages her to write from the heart. “Writing has always been Mariah’s strong point in school,” Morgan said.

Mariah, 10, understands the heartache that comes with cancer and hopes to warm the hearts of those like her. She has been through a lot over the past year, but finds no reason to stop documenting her charm. “I don’t know what I would do without my friends, family and Ms. Morgan,” she said.

Recipe for the Best Cancer Cure

Take tsp. of sorrow
1 cup of confusion
1 gallon of trust
Mix 1 gallon of trust with the 2 cups of faith
mix gently until you see the colors of your life
pour in a separate bowl
Let sit at room temperature
Until you feel you need it
you can tell it’s done when
you feel everything has changed
let stand until everything
is back to normal
Add a sprinkle of hope
Serve with a bundle of peace
Taste the happiness and joy.