Loving homes

Adoption and the modern family

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As has been tradition since we started presenting an annual Family Issue, now in its third year, we’ve headed again to locals who have opened up about their unique families, including the challenges that come along with rearing children (or growing up).

The makeup of a family has changed significantly over the decades, and one of our goals with this issue is to celebrate the diversity of the modern family. In this particular package of stories, we’ve focused on adoption.

You’ll be introduced to two families: the Scherberts, who are busy with seven adopted children, all of whom have Down syndrome; and the Pullyblanks, who shed some light on the international adoption process that grew their little family of four to a multiracial family of six. Another local weighs in on what it was like learning—and then accepting—the fact that he was adopted. There is also a piece on Butte County Adoption Services, the relatively new agency responsible for overseeing public adoptions of local children in need of loving homes.

We hope you find this issue informative and take inspiration from these remarkable families.