Here, birdy, birdy!

How to attract more birds to your yard

Spring has definitely sprung. Even if you’re not an avid bird lover, it’s hard not to notice the scores of avian species flocking to local back yards and parks. In addition to singing to our souls, birds can also physically help backyard gardens by aiding in pollination and pest control. So why not make your yard more inviting to these feathered friends?

There are dozens of green bird-feeder projects from recycled items available on the Internet—The Green Education Foundation is a good place to start (go to for the foundation’s easy instructions on making simple bird feeders).

If you want to get a little more serious about your homespun aviary, check out the book, Backyard Birds of California: How to Identify and Attract the Top 25 Birds, an excellent primer for budding birders, with tips on what to plant and what foods to offer to attract your favorite species.