Days of Lore

Hooli … word.
All eyes on YOU Some people in the community felt a curious presence at two recent orderly events put on by Chico Citizens for Civil Rights, the group that has been collecting signatures to put the “disorderly events” referendum to a vote.
The first event took place at The Maltese Sunday (Dec. 2), with a little live music and a chance for people to sign the petition. Chico Citizens volunteer Jessica Allen said about 20 people entered the bar looking a bit more conservative than the usual crowd. When asked if they wanted to sign the petition, one of the smartly dressed members explained that they couldn’t because they were cops.
One of them went on to say that they had just left a Christmas party, and decided to stop in for a late drink. Nothing wrong with that … just an odd coincidence, I’m sure. Allen also said that around closing time, some of the officers were giving the bartender a hard time about posters on the walls that supported signing the petition.
I just hope all of the lovely law enforcement officers were smart enough to call cabs after attending a Christmas party at Sierra Nevada and then closing a bar down (not literally).
The Chico Citizens put on another orderly event the next night at Lost on Main. One attendee said he spotted a couple of out-of-place faces there as well, although no one came out as saying they were officers. Billy Guilfoyle, a local activist and artist, said they were asking a lot of questions to several of the people attending. He also said there were uniformed officers outside Lost on Main later that night. Ironically, he added that the event itself wasn’t very well attended.
Chico Police Capt. Mike Maloney confirmed that there were two calls to that area of Main Street that night—one at 11:45 p.m. on a suspicious subject on the corner of Third and Main, and another drunk in public right outside the venue at about 1 a.m. As for any presence inside the bar, Maloney said it’s the idea of “conspiracy theorists.”
“I can tell you unequivocally that there were no undercover officers at the event,” he said.
Perhaps off-duty, just getting a cocktail on a Monday night?
As of CN&R press time, Chico Citizens for Civil Rights was still about 1,000 signatures short of the 4,500 needed to get it on the ballot. (The deadline was Dec. 5.)
Geez, this thing has really put some people on edge. I bet if the City Council revisited the ordinance again, or just threw it out, all would be well in the kingdom of Chico.
Loggy log There are a couple of orderly events coming up. One of my favorite groups, The Yule Logs, are playing at Duffy’s tonight (Thurs., Dec. 6). Do you enjoy feel-good ’60s rock with three-part harmonies that sing about Santa and Hanukkah and reindeer? I thought so. Me, too. The Duffy’s show is always the best, but if you miss it, check them out at the tree-lighting ceremony (Fri., Dec. 7) in City Plaza or at Monstros Pizza (Sat., Dec. 8) with Bear Hunter and Candy Apple. Hmm … how did they pull that bill together?
You’ve entered Hooliwood If Christmas cheer isn’t your thing, and you want to just get out there and shake it, The Hooliganz are serving up some good-time hip-hop at LaSalles (Fri., Dec. 7). It’s the CD-release party for their new record, Welcome to Hooliwood. This might get disorderly … but in a good way.