Fri, July 10 The Panduhs

Luigi’s Fun Garden, 8:30 p.m., $5

It’s imperative to welcome San Joaquin Valley indie-rock bands to Sacramento with open arms, because were it not for a couple rivers this fair city probably would be just like Patterson, Calif., which is where the Panduhs hail. And that’s not a bad thing; we just need to be grateful—and cordial. Anyway, I make no claims of being a Valley indie-rock connoisseur—or even a decent human being—but I do like Panduh’s unpretentious pop styling: Neil Vento sings with a soft whine that’s easy on the ears; Jeff Moreno’s bass and Frank Montes’ drums groove a backbeat as natural and humble as Vento’s simple lyrics about county fairs and onomatopoeia. 1050 20th Street,