The hills are alive

Those campy von Trapps: Hey, cool name for a band!
We’ll leave it to our pals over on Q Street to come up with this weekend’s de rigueur tales of squiffed oldsters tottering through one more parasol dance to yet one more rendition of “When the Saints Go Marching In” by Five Dentists From Danville Plus Two Insurance Adjusters From Walnut Creek, or how everybody’s gettin’ happy from all that toe-tappin’ jazz. Yo, why Charleston when you can really dial into squaresville at the Sing-A-Long Sound of Music, which kicks off Thursday evening at the Crest Theatre. It’s just like it sounds: Dress accordingly, go to the Crest, pay your admission—$30 for the gala opening Thursday, May 31; $20 thereafter ($15 for seniors and students, $10 for kids 12 and under)—and sing along to the 1965 smash film The Sound of Music. Sound like fun? The costume show starts at 7 p.m., the film at 8 p.m. at the Crest, 1013 K Street. Off and on through Sunday, June 17.